Health, Happiness and Homeopathy
Health, Happiness and Homeopathy is about empowering you with natural and holistic ways to improve your health and those under your care, including our wonderful four legged friends and companions.
With knowledge comes power. This gives you the ability to discern what practices and choices serve you for your greatest good and the ability to choose your health professional wisely.
As a practicing homeopath, there will always be a homeopathic ‘flavour’ in terms of health care. However, other important areas include lifestyle, dietary choices and an aspect of spirituality to round off your ultimate health and happiness.
Health, Happiness and Homeopathy
Homeopathic treatment - what you need to know
The founder of homeopathy as is practised today, Samuel Hahnemann, was born on April 10th 268 years ago in 1755.
So the week around every April 10th is Homeopathic Awareness Week.
Homeopathy is as effective today as it was then. The philosophy is exactly the same as it was then. Only the number of remedies have changed, from 99 in Hahnemann’s day to many thousands today.
With that increase in the number of remedies comes different ways to navigate around them to arrive at the most appropriate one for any individual.
In a way, this has made practising homeopathy more difficult, but also more effective as you can’t do as much good with just 99 remedies as you can with thousands.
That’s not to say you can’t do a great deal. Royalty and the nobility beat a path to Hahnemann’s door. And whatever you think of these people, they have wealth and don’t seek out chalatans!
For this year’s homeopathic awareness week, I want to talk about how homeopaths work, as few people understand the complexities that go on behind the scenes.
Of course, I can’t speak for all homeopaths, but this is how effective ones work.
This is a broad stroke as homeopaths use many more ways to work out the best treatment for any individual. But for a lay person, this is one of the fundamentals.
Exciting and Maintaining Causes
We divide the causes of poor health roughly into exciting and maintaining causes.
Exciting causes are those problems which were caused by a single factor. That could be an injury, a bite, a burn, a shock, a fright, a drug, a vaccine.
If the appropriate homeopathic dose (and by dose I’m talking about the right remedy, the right potency, PLUS the right frequency - all make up what we refer to as a dose) is taken very soon after, then it can heal quickly - within minutes, hours, days, depending on the severity and extent of the problem.