Health, Happiness and Homeopathy
Health, Happiness and Homeopathy is about empowering you with natural and holistic ways to improve your health and those under your care, including our wonderful four legged friends and companions.
With knowledge comes power. This gives you the ability to discern what practices and choices serve you for your greatest good and the ability to choose your health professional wisely.
As a practicing homeopath, there will always be a homeopathic ‘flavour’ in terms of health care. However, other important areas include lifestyle, dietary choices and an aspect of spirituality to round off your ultimate health and happiness.
Podcasting since 2023 • 20 episodes
Health, Happiness and Homeopathy
Latest Episodes
We’re Growing Up!
Our disconnect from Nature, our total focus on materilaism and wealth has stunted our spiritual growth, our maturity.We have allowed the mind to dominate, instead of the heart. Academia and logic, always someone else’s, are the order of ...
Episode 20

Reasons For A Lack of Appetite and What To Do
We all go through phases of appetite loss. Yet when children and animals stop eating, many people panic and they are unceremoniously taken to a medic.Yet, in many cases, there is a perfectly logical explanation for the lack of appetite ...
Episode 19

Communication, Co-operation and Collaboration
We all know what communication and co-operation are, for the most part. But what is collaboration?According to the Cambridge Dictionary it is the situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing or act...
Episode 18

The Value of Pain
As a species, we’re very intolerant of pain. Yet pain is a part of life. And it’s pain that tends to get our attention enough to find something we didn’t know before. It can make us grow.You can feel pain both physically and emotionally ...
Episode 17

Should We Be Worried About New Diseases?
When you listen to the mainstream media, who are on a fear inducing campaign, then you might be forgiven for believing that the world is a dangerous place and you need to be very vigilant in avoiding any potential health hazard.So you mi...
Episode 16