Health, Happiness and Homeopathy

Should We Be Worried About New Diseases?

Madeleine Innocent Episode 16

When you listen to the mainstream media, who are on a fear inducing campaign, then you might be forgiven for believing that the world is a dangerous place and you need to be very vigilant in avoiding any potential health hazard.

So you might be obsessing about hygiene, about getting all the latest vaxxines, as well as the drugs to deal with every minor detail in your health that worries you.

When you live in a state of fear, you are very easily manipulated. You may agree to do whatever anyone tells you, without giving it a thought.

You may be in total denial of what’s really happening in the world, feeling that your GP, government and the system has your back.

The reality is a little different.

The Importance of Acute Diseases

All life as we know it has been on our very generous and supportive planet we call home, for a long time. That means we have all adapted to the conditions.

Our bodies have great wisdom. They know what to do when there’s something that does not support it.

The trouble is, humanity has distanced itself from Nature, erroneously believing we are better. None of the animals have. They still live in step with Nature, as much as they are able, given the human interference.

What much of humanity fails to understand is that life is not a smooth path. Growth happens. And usually growth is attended or preceeded by pain or trauma. It’s often the pain or trauma that is instrumental in creating growth or necessary change....