Health, Happiness and Homeopathy
Health, Happiness and Homeopathy is about empowering you with natural and holistic ways to improve your health and those under your care, including our wonderful four legged friends and companions.
With knowledge comes power. This gives you the ability to discern what practices and choices serve you for your greatest good and the ability to choose your health professional wisely.
As a practicing homeopath, there will always be a homeopathic ‘flavour’ in terms of health care. However, other important areas include lifestyle, dietary choices and an aspect of spirituality to round off your ultimate health and happiness.
20 episodes
We’re Growing Up!
Our disconnect from Nature, our total focus on materilaism and wealth has stunted our spiritual growth, our maturity.We have allowed the mind to dominate, instead of the heart. Academia and logic, always someone else’s, are the order of ...
Episode 20

Reasons For A Lack of Appetite and What To Do
We all go through phases of appetite loss. Yet when children and animals stop eating, many people panic and they are unceremoniously taken to a medic.Yet, in many cases, there is a perfectly logical explanation for the lack of appetite ...
Episode 19

Communication, Co-operation and Collaboration
We all know what communication and co-operation are, for the most part. But what is collaboration?According to the Cambridge Dictionary it is the situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing or act...
Episode 18

The Value of Pain
As a species, we’re very intolerant of pain. Yet pain is a part of life. And it’s pain that tends to get our attention enough to find something we didn’t know before. It can make us grow.You can feel pain both physically and emotionally ...
Episode 17

Should We Be Worried About New Diseases?
When you listen to the mainstream media, who are on a fear inducing campaign, then you might be forgiven for believing that the world is a dangerous place and you need to be very vigilant in avoiding any potential health hazard.So you mi...
Episode 16

The Importance of the Microbiomes And How They Affect Your Health
Antibiotics are dished out like candy with almost every visit to an MD or vet, even when an infection hasn’t been confirmed.It’s the one drug the medics seem to use with total impunity.And when it doesn’t work, which is quite ofte...
Episode 15

Reading and Understanding Blood Tests For Cats
Reading and Understanding Blood Tests For CatsWhile this podcast give an example of how to read and understand a blood test for a cat, this is applicable for anyone’s blood tests.I’m taking a real case that was brought to me. The ...
Episode 14

The Difference Between Acute and Chronic Conditions
It’s important to know the difference between acute and chronic conditions. Most people have no idea. It’s an important topic if you want to be in control of your health because you’ll want to know what you can do yourself, and what you need pr...
Episode 13

The Wisdom of The Body
Louise Hay was among those who were instrumental in bringing to the western world, the idea that the body shows where it is unbalanced by its signs and symptoms. And that you are very able and capable at healing yourself.Traditional cult...

Raising Children To Be Themselves
When I was about 10 years old, we (the family) was in London, UK. I remember being at one of the main train stations during rush hour. Looking down from a bridge across the road was a sea of people crossing the road.Having grown up in th...
Episode 11

Various Ramblings
Consulting With a HomeopathIn the first few consultations, we don’t know very much about you. It’s not easy for people to open up to total strangers, so important aspects of you and what affects you can be left out, quite unitenti...
Episode 10

Headaches and Migraines
I’m seperting them into acute and chronic headaches.Acute HeadachesMany acute headaches are from dehydration. If you’re outside doing a lot of manual work, sweating, or out in hot sun, sweating, you know a headache can deve...
Episode 9

Finding Our Place, Helping Ourselves, Helping Others
One of the most important things I have learned in my life is getting rid of the idea that humans are the most superior, most important species on Earth.The idea that we are allows us to do unspeakable things to each other, our fellow Ea...
Episode 8

Genes, Epigenetics, The Germ Theory, The Terrain Theory
I’ve put all the above topics into one podcast. They sound as if they are different topics but are really all connected.Let’s look at how.Your genes represent where you have come from biologically, culturally and spiritually speak...
Episode 7

Avoidance Has Become Obsessive
In real healing, you have to understand who the patient is. It’s no good prescribing anything until you have some idea of that.In homeopathy, we consider there are 3 - 10 very broad character differences, depending on which sc...
Episode 6

The Ancestral Diet of Cats and Dogs
Diet is one of the major contributors to health, or a lack of.In homeopathy, we need to categorise causes of ill health because we treat them differently.An exciting cause normally comes from an accident of some type - injury, burn, bit...
Season 1
Episode 5

Pointers To The Human Ancestral Diet
This postcast is about one of the most important and often under considered maintaining causes of ill health.Just a quick up date on what a maintaining cause is. Causes of poor health can be roughly divided into two catogories - the exci...
Season 1
Episode 4

Homeopathic treatment - what you need to know
The founder of homeopathy as is practised today, Samuel Hahnemann, was born on April 10th 268 years ago in 1755.So the week around every April 10th is Homeopathic Awareness Week.Homeopathy is as effective today as it was then. The philo...
Season 1
Episode 3