Health, Happiness and Homeopathy
Health, Happiness and Homeopathy is about empowering you with natural and holistic ways to improve your health and those under your care, including our wonderful four legged friends and companions.
With knowledge comes power. This gives you the ability to discern what practices and choices serve you for your greatest good and the ability to choose your health professional wisely.
As a practicing homeopath, there will always be a homeopathic ‘flavour’ in terms of health care. However, other important areas include lifestyle, dietary choices and an aspect of spirituality to round off your ultimate health and happiness.
Health, Happiness and Homeopathy
Pointers To The Human Ancestral Diet
This postcast is about one of the most important and often under considered maintaining causes of ill health.
Just a quick up date on what a maintaining cause is. Causes of poor health can be roughly divided into two catogories - the exciting causes and the maintaining causes.
Exciting causes are those that occur from a single event, such as an injury, nearly drowning, a shock, a grief. And you haven’t fully recovered from it.
A maintaining cause comes from repeating the insult over and over again, such as living in an abusive relationship, living in a damp environment, constantly breathing in toxic fumes. You may be able to recover from a single insult, but the constant drip, drip effect wears your body down. It can’t remain healthy. Things start to go wrong.
The things that start to emerge tend to be reflective of your genetic inheritance.
This means that the cause is the problem, not your genes.