Health, Happiness and Homeopathy

Genes, Epigenetics, The Germ Theory, The Terrain Theory

Madeleine Innocent Episode 7

I’ve put all the above topics into one podcast. They sound as if they are different topics but are really all connected.

Let’s look at how.

Your genes represent where you have come from biologically, culturally and spiritually speaking. You can easily see that from the biological perspective as you have certain similar physical characteristics to your parents and ancestors.

These characteristics can’t be changed. If you have brown eyes, you can’t change them to blue.

What is less obvious is that you also inherit traits from your culture as well as those unresolved emotional or spiritual characteristics of your parents and ancestors.

However, these are not fixed. They can be changed.

They can be changed, or resolved, because they are simply an expression of your inheritance.

This applies to everything including your health.