Health, Happiness and Homeopathy
Health, Happiness and Homeopathy is about empowering you with natural and holistic ways to improve your health and those under your care, including our wonderful four legged friends and companions.
With knowledge comes power. This gives you the ability to discern what practices and choices serve you for your greatest good and the ability to choose your health professional wisely.
As a practicing homeopath, there will always be a homeopathic ‘flavour’ in terms of health care. However, other important areas include lifestyle, dietary choices and an aspect of spirituality to round off your ultimate health and happiness.
Health, Happiness and Homeopathy
Raising Children To Be Themselves
When I was about 10 years old, we (the family) was in London, UK. I remember being at one of the main train stations during rush hour. Looking down from a bridge across the road was a sea of people crossing the road.
Having grown up in the country, this was a new experience for me and I suddenly felt that I didn’t want to contribute to this. I didn’t want to have any children.
That has always stayed with me.
I did help with raising my step daughter.
So some might say I’m not the best person to talk about raising children.
However, I was.....
The videos mentioned in the audio: