Health, Happiness and Homeopathy

We’re Growing Up!

Madeleine Innocent Episode 20

Our disconnect from Nature, our total focus on materilaism and wealth has stunted our spiritual growth, our maturity.

We have allowed the mind to dominate, instead of the heart. Academia and logic, always someone else’s, are the order of the day. People are ridiculed for having an opinion based on their feelings rather than what the current ‘experts’ tell them.

The current experts, of course, change, swing with the fashiom. Or with the controlled agenda.

The mind was never meant to dominate. It was always meant to serve the feelings, the heart. You could say that the mind is out of its depth. Not unlike a dog who we have put into a position of leadership by our misunderstanding of their hierarchy, and they are not leadership material. They flounder and become very anxious.

The mind, in its anxious state, has a constant narrative going on. Thoughts tumble over each other. Because they are louder than the whispers of the heart, we listen to them more. In fact they often drown out the whispers.

Most of these thoughts are negative, controlled by old habits, often set up in childhood. Parents, society, religion, teachers, all attempt to mould a child to be what they perceive to be ‘good citizens’, whatever that means, but often against the child’s raison d’etre, or reason to be. 

It is estimated that 95% of our lives are controlled by these habits, not all of them negative, but often a large percentage.

These negative thoughts are disempowering. They limit behaviour. They tend to sabotage us from doing what we really want to do. It’s common to believe that we are victims of our lives, that we have no control.

In fact, the opposite is true. We are in control of our lives, but the control we exert is someone’s elses idea of a good life, not our own.

The world’s population is deeply divided on every front - political, social, religious, economic, health care. This period is not unlike the teenage years as a person grows up. Teenagers rebel against the system, their parents values, their world. This is a necessary step in growth as they have to find themselves. They cannot function as a duplicate of those who have attempted to mould them.

Just as teenagers do, we’re collectively trying to find ourselves.

Every generation grows a little more, achieves a little more, than the previous generation. So we are moving forward. But there are many successful attempts to slow us down. No-on can stop this growth, but they are slowing us down.

When we emerge from this time, we will see the death of our current dysfunctional civilisation. We will move into a more sustainable way of life, with more acceptance of others, with less judgement of others. That doesn’t mean we have to engage with them or befriend them. We’re just respectful of their differences.

Who am I to tell someone else how they should live? That’s their business, as long as they’re not harming any being.

We’ll move into a world that doesn’t just pay lip service to honesty, integrity, transparency, caring for the earth. It will be true because we’ll have moved into our hearts.

There will be less control. Governments will not be necessary so will change, reduce their size and effect. Defence will be largely unnecessary as everyone gets along.

It’s an interesting time to be alive. From my spiritual understanding, there are millions upon millions of souls who want to be here right now.


Because we’re doing something that hasn’t been done before. We’re moving into a higher dimension while still in our physical bodies. Apparently, it’s never been done before. That basically means we’re coming into our maturity.

It’s more normal for us to move into a different dimension between lives, when we’re not in a physical ody.

So you can probably see why so many souls want to be a part of this. For me, that explains the current high population.

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