Health, Happiness and Homeopathy

The Wisdom of The Body

Madeleine Innocent

Louise Hay was among those who were instrumental in bringing to the western world, the idea that the body shows where it is unbalanced by its signs and symptoms. And that you are very able and capable at healing yourself.

Traditional cultures have known for at least 6000 years that the body is an energy being, with energy lines of influence and points or portals. We truly are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

Things that are spiritual are unseen. Thoughts, ideas, emotions, feelings are all unseen, but no one doubts their existence.

Electricity, which is harnessed Earth energy. is also unseen, but no one doubts its existence.

We can all be affected by someone else’s energy. Someone can drain our energy. We feel exhausted after speaking with them. That’s exactly what they have done, drained our energy as they don’t have enough.

Go into a room of people where one is restless, agitated, pacing about, upset and soon the whole room will be affected, without a word said.

A physical experiment that occurs in every school is with tuning forks. When you set one humming, it will affect every other object within range that resonates at the same frequency.

We’re no different.

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